A year ago the first version of this website was launched and today it feels good to give something back by publishing the already announced guide. It features altogether ten profitable sites from whole Franconia and is the first guide of this kind being available both in German as well as in English.
A big thank-you to both of my proofreaders, without their help the guide wouldn´t have been possible. Of course I also want to thank all the other people who helped me with this guide in the background.
The guide is available as download and shortly as printed copy. I´ll offer the latter at cost price plus postage, so if you´re interested, please get in touch with me. On the special page you can find the download as well as all the details about this guide. If you have still questions you can e-mail me.
Because I want to optimize the guide in the future, I would be very interested in your opinion about it.
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