And another three weeks have passed. In September it had yet been warm and sunny, but now in October it's cold and windy almost all around the day. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get out birding very often (of course not only because of the bad weather), however when looking on ornitho.de the autumn hasn't started so bad for Franconia. As in recent years early October is the peak time for migrating Chaffinches and Woodpigeons, which form large flocks often counting more than a hundred individuals. Even now they can be virtually found almost everywhere.

I was a few times at the Großer Wörth hoping to find something rare in the bushes, but of course I wasn't sucessful in this regard. Nevertheless, it's always a delight to be at this place.
Especially now, since the numbers of Great White Egrets have risen to a few dozen (the maximum was 78 ind.); I'm not absolutely sure but I think that this is a new record for the
Apart from that the numbers of Canada and Greylag Geese are still increasing, although so far there has been no Greater White-fronted Goose
among them, which normally appear in this time of the year.

Since October is - as already mentioned before - the peak month for bird migration, some rarities have been seen here in the meanwhile. For example there have so far been two Yellow-browed Warblers, a very rare siberian leaf warbler species, which I always wanted to see but have yet failed to find. Perhaps I'll be lucky in the next few days. Other rare birds include Richard's Pipit and Pallid Harrier, although they never stayed longer than a day.
Last but not least: The Pygmy Cormorant of the Goldbergsee (district of Coburg) is still on site, almost three months by now ! Let's hope that this bird stays even longer.
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